Thursday, November 27, 2008

TAG (?)

SO I'm doing what Anna did on her blog.  like going to the fourth album and fourth photo.
well. This picture tells alot about our personalities.. manly that we're crazy

But I think this was in january sometime and we got carried away with Photo Booth --- to say the least. We both thought we were being hilarious with having our mouth be really big or our teeth really big. 
so yeah. 
there ya have it. Anna Garret and Laura Boyer are completely insane

OH I'm such a good housewife:)

Yeah, so just in case you're wondering. I have been in a craftzy mood! (if thats even a word) I have become very...knowledgeable in the arts of sewing. 
I have made three GIANT stockings. oh they are adorable. Why, you may ask. Well, let me tell you. Because I decided that my sister Ashley needed some Christmas decorations so I was like, "hey, lets make her and her dogs --- yes her DOGS -- some stockings. So we go to Joanns and we buy adorable fabric and a pattern and all these cute things for her stockings. *oh they are so cute.* 
Dang, these took FOREVER to make. Because I embrodered all three stockings. So one says 'Ashley' one says "Fenyman" and another one says 'Riley.' :) They are so precious.

So I made those stockings and I finished them on monday and i was like, "hm.. I want to make more." SO I decided that I wanted to make Melissa -- my sister who is in Albania a stocking -- So my mom and I went to Jo-anns again, but then we decided not to make my sister Melissa a stocking , but PJ's instead - For christmas. cause its kinda tradition in our family to get PJ's every Christmas Eve. So, (i say 'so' alot) I made her pajama pants AND a t-shirt. Amazing right? 
Aren't I just getting so good at craftzy things? :) I mean, seriously. I've done so much this week. I've sewed/emboirdered 3 stockings, made a set of pajamas, knitted a scarf and hat! wow. Am such a nerd :) oh well, I love me :) haha

We decorated our tree today. Oh its so delightful! :) This is really the most wonderful time of the year! I love christmas shopping and wrapping presents and snow. Oh snow. Snow is so wonderful. I want to have a big snowball fight, go sledding or go skiing this winter with friends! oh I'm so excited :) 
you wanna know what else I'm excited for? 
December 3 
Because I'm performing a jazz dance at Festival of Trees on the third at 5:30. You guys should come :) Its gonna be pretty awesome. The dance is pretty cool too. It'll be exciting :)